Contractors - FAQs
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What is E-Procurement?eProcurement is a process of procuring the items electronically using internet. This facility drastically reduces the procurement cycle time and reduces most of the indirect costs.
How do I register on eProcurement?Registration for eProcurement is very simple. Go to Tenders Page and just fill up the registration form prepared by us . We will enable your ID on eProcurement.
Why do I need to register with eProcurement?If you register on eProcurement, you can have access to the tenders information, enable you to purchase tender schedules and submit them online. Free and fair participation is possible with more transparency.
If I am registered, how long is it valid?Your registration is valid for one year.
How will my personal details be used?Your details are used for configuration of the system so that you get only the relevant information. These details are also used by the Department during evaluation of the Bids.
How do I log on to eProcurement after I've registered?After registering on eProcurement, you are provided with user ID and password. You can just login to the site using this information.
What if I want to use my eProcurement account on a different computer?You can use your account anywhere in the world. It just need a computer with above Pentium II configuration and an internet connection with valid Digital Signature.
Is the password secured?Password is encrypted at the database level. It is known only to you. Even the System Administrator does not know your password. As a part of the security policy, we advise you to change the password frequently.
How do I change my password?After logging into your account, you will find a link to Change the Password.
I've lost my password. How can I retrieve it?Click on "Forgot Password" and enter your user name and captcha and click on reset password . You will be getting the password to your registered email id.
What does it cost to register?Presently the registration fee is waived off. However it is for a limited period only.
What do I need to transact on the site?It is advised to have a computer with Dual Core /Core2 Duo Processor and above configuration and an internet connection. Otherwise you can use the services of any internet center for the purpose.
I have registered. Why did I not receive my confirmation e-mail?Please check the E Mail Id provided by you during registration. Log on to the Tenders site and go to "Edit Profile" to check. You can the change the E Mail ID.
Can I update my registration information?Yes. After logging on the to the Tenders Home page you can update the information whenever you require by clicking on "Edit Profile"
What about the privacy of my information?The information provided by you is secure. It is only used by the Department for the purpose of Evaluation and configuration.
How do I know that a tender is published?After registering on TS eProcurement, you would regularly log-in to your account and can find the information regarding tenders. You will also receive a mail notification regarding the publication of the tender notice.
How do I submit my tender to the department?The tender can be downloaded from the TS eProcurement site on paying the requisite fee. You can fill the tender documents and submit online along with the scanned certificates required for the tender.
Can I download the drawings related to the tender?Drawings are part of the tender documents. While downloading the tender documents, these drawings were also downloaded.
How do I view the drawings related to the tender?Drawings are part of the tender documents. After downloading the tender documents, you can refer to the drawings which are divided into parts. These parts can be pasted as guidelines provided in the tender document and view the complete drawing.
Can I submit tenders to any department?Please click here to get the list of departments for which bids can be submitted online.
How do I submit my certificates along with the tenders?After registering on TS eProcurement, you are provided with required space online for storing your information in the form of scanned copies such as experience certificates etc. You could go to "Edit Profile" and attach/ upload any number of documents/ certificates. Once loaded, these can be used repeatedly for all future tenders.
How do I submit the EMD along with the technical bid?BG/DD taken for EMD are scanned and should be attached to the technical bid during submission. The originals can be handed over to the department during the technical bid opening.
How do I confirm my tenders are submitted without any problem?After submitting your tender, you will get a receipt mail providing the status of the submission.
How will I come to know that my bid has been opened?When your bid is opened you will receive a mail notification informing the details such as the bid has been opened by the official, department and date & time of opening.
What if I accidently submit the same tender twice?The system will not allow you to submit the same tender twice. However, you may edit your bid any time till the time of Closing.
How should I confirm my tenders are not opened by any before the date of opening?The system does not allow your bids to be opened before the due date specified in the Tender Schedule.
Is there any provision to change or add new certificates to my bid after once submitting the bid?Yes. After once submitting the bid, it would go to the server but it would be under your control to change/modify till the last date & time of submission. Please go to "Edit Profile" to attach/upload any documents. These can be added to the tender by clicking on 'Edit Bid" later on.
Is there any provision to change my tender percentage/ Tender value after once submitting the price bid?Yes. After once submitting the bid, it would go to the server but it would be under your control to change/modify till the last date & time of submission. Please Click on 'Edit Bid" to do so.
How should I know the concerned officer opened my technical bid?When your bid is opened you will receive a mail notification informing the details such as the bid has been opened by the official, department and date & time of opening.
Can I view the proceedings of opening technical bid?You will receive the comparative statement of the technical evaluation.
Can I refer to my tender documents submitted to the departments?Yes. You can save a copy of the tender document which you submit to the department. You can view your bids by going to "Past tenders" and "Tenders in Process"
How do I confirm that the technical evaluation is unbiased?As you are provided with the comparative statement of all the contractors who have participated. You can verify it for yourself.
How much space is provided to me presently for storing my documents online?15 MB
For Bid Submission Encryption Certificate Mandatory?Yes, Mandatory. (Sign in & Encryption mandatory to access & submit the bid)
Foreign Bidders - FAQs
1) For the countries not having system of registration?a) For countries not having system of registration, Letter of introduction from the Bidder's local Chamber of Commerce (where bidder's business is situated) to be forwarded to ITE&C Department, Govt. of TS through Indian Consulate/Embassy located in bidder's Resident country.
2) What are the documents to be submitted by the Foreign Bidders who wish to register in GoTS E-Procurement?a) Letter of introduction from the local Chamber of Commerce (where the business is situated) to be forwarded to through Indian Consulate/Embassy of Bidder's nationality/country. For Buyer registration made from country where Chamber of commerce does not exist, such buyers have to submit "Copy of Registration certificate of Company issued from state Administration from their Industries Department in the Government.
3) Can International firm upload their proposals on e-procurement portal with DSC, which is not issued by Indian firm / not registered, with this e-procurement portal?a) As per the IT ACT, this eprocurement portal does not allow to register any DSC issued by CAs other than Indian CAs. However, some of our Certifying agencies issue DSC for foreigners without visiting India. The Details of which are already made available under the Downloads link of this portal
4) The E-token to be obtained by the foreign bidder?a) The e-token may be obtained from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities such as eMudhraCA/GNFC/IDRBT/MtnlTrustline/SafeScrpt/TCS/N-code.
5) Can a foreign bidder or a foreign consultant get DSC from their respective country i.e. any country outside India?a) No. The same is not allowed to be registered in this portal.
6) Can international consultant (outside India) get DSC through on line?a) Yes the Foreign Bidder / Consultant can get the Indian DSC issued and participate in our tender without visiting India.